Business Law
International Trade Law
privacy law language Italian
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Vincenzo Diego Cutugno
Legal advice to foreign and domestic corporations on a number of cross-border transactions and extraordinary finance operations (M&A, corporate restructuring, corporate equity transfer).
Legal advice to foreign and domestic corporations on day-by-day activities.
Extensive experience in strategic business planning and corporate advice for large and medium enterprises.
Legal advice in drafting commercial agreements, including works agreements, service agreements, vendor/supplier agreements, manufacturing agreements, licensing agreements, distribution agreements, franchising agreements, IT agreements, consultancy agreements, regulatory filings and public disclosures.
- Legal implications of the LEED® (co-author), in Bocconi School of Law Student-Edited Papers, Vol. 0/2012
- Legal implications of the Green Building in An introduction to the LEED®: certification: planning, building, conducting (co-author), in(AA.VV.), Maggioli Editore, 2012
- The democratic conditionality clause in the EU and International law in Quaderni di Studi Europei, Vol. 1/2006, (edited by Centro di Ricerca de la Sapienza in Studi Europei ed Internazionali Eurosapienza)
Academic Degrees
- Teaching assistant in Comparative Business and European Law (Bocconi University - Milan)
- Degre in Law (J.D.) (University of Catania - Catania)
- M.Sc. in "European Studies and International Relations" (University La Sapienza - Rome)
- Master in Diplomatic Studies (SIOI - Rome)
- Master in International Business Law (Il Sole 24Ore Business School - Milan)
- Member of the committee for the GBC HOME®, standard